Sunday, May 22

Fluid Architecture - Week 12

Today what I am working on is editing the form a bit. I removed the walls, and I am rotating the right side of the building in such a way that the structure forms the wall and the roof itself. But I am maintaining the walls made on the left side of the form.

Il post some pictures of how it looked before and how it is changed now.


So basically, what I have done here is that, I rotated the overhang in BLUE in such a way that it sits on the ground. This way it also creates an opening fo the people to enter into the spaces. It also acts both as a OVERHANG CREATING AN INTERIOR SPACE, rather than an overhang creating an outdoor space.

So by rotating the overhang, I have created two entrances, where people can come in and go out of the building from two sides. It also acts as a pavillion kind of a place or a TRANSITIONAL spaces where people can move through the building spaces.

 view showing the circulation of people through the building
Entrance 1
Entrance 2

From both the pictures you can see how the overhang is now supported by the ground.

I also worked on making grass on the roof, to create a roof garden which will act as an outdoor area where people can walk upto.
Here is the process how I did it.

I tried to render the images, but the file seems too big because of the grass.. So what I will do is, try to create the grass on half of the roof so that the file will be a bit smaller.

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