Wednesday, May 18

According to my timetable, for Thursdays class what I am supposed to do is do more experiments.
So the first experiment is going to be

1- Working on experimenting with tsunami waves onto my building.

2- After working on the waves, I tried on working with modifying the form a bit, mostly creating openings.

 2a- As for the structure of my overhanging roof, I converted into a skeleton steel frame which can be more lighter now.

2b- After that, I used the same technique, to convert the walls into a steel frame so that it will be stong enough to support the roof. The technique I used is similar to the previous one, I seperated the walls from the rest of the structure and add on a solid wireframe. To make it more intresting, I selected seperate faces and applied a solid wireframe so that the structure would look more abstract.

Here are some images I rendered using blender.

top view
overhang over the outdoor area (looking from left)

over hang over the outdoor area (looking from right)
steel frame structure
steel frame structure supporting the roof
steel frame structure (looking into the community area)
steel frame structure (taken from inside the community area)

3- Now I am going to try to work on creating a entrance to my building.
I used the cloth experiment to determine where my entrance would be. I place the cloth in the direction where people will be accessing the building.
Here is an animation how it worked out.

So basically, from this animation it is obviously highlighted where the entrance will be. The front face of the building.

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