Friday, April 8

Fluid Architecture : Blender Tutorial 4

During the last tutorial we learned how to upload our folie into Blender. What I did was I exported my Sketchup file as a 3Ds file and imported it to Blender right away. After importing the file we learned about how to create
fluid tests and animation. As an assignment, we have to create 50 animations of fluid experiments on our folie.
So I better get started.

Experiment 1
In the first experiment, I am using a regular box as the fluid. And I changed the viscosity to water.

Experiment 2
In this one I am still using the box as the fluid but I changed the viscosity to honey.
The honey is very thick so the result itc creates is different from water.

Experiment 3
For this one, I am still using the box but I changed the viscosity to oil.

 Experiment 4
Since Ive done experimenting on different viscosities with the same fluid, this time I am going to change the
fluid to a UV sphere. As for the viscosity I am using water.

Experiment 5
Just to see if it creates any difference, This time I am going to change the viscosity to honey and use the same fluid (UV sphere)

Experiment 6
For this experiment, I changed the fluid to a long cylinder, and I am going to use water.

Experiment 7
In experiment 7, I rotated my folie in the Y axis. And also i made the domain a bit smaller that the domains
I have used in the previous experiments.

xperiment 8
For this experiment I rotated my folie again to see if it creates any difference.

Experiment 9
For this experiment I rotated my folie back to its original side. I changed the fluid to a cone and changed the domain to a UV sphere.

Experiment 10
For this experiment I rotated the fluid (cone) upside down.

Experiment 11
For the experiment 11, I used a cube as the fluid, but then I rotated my folie.

Experiment 12
For this one, I just maintained the cube, But I rotated my folie again.

Experiment 13
In experiment 13, I rotated my folie again, but further more so that its vertical now. I maintained the box.

Experiment 14
In experiment 14, I changed the fluid to a cylinder and scaled it thinner along the Y axis. But I maintained the rotated folie as it is.

Experiment 15
For this experiment, I still maintained the rotated folie, but I changed my fluid to a UV sphere. In the previous 3 experiments I just wanted to see the difference when I change the shape of the fluid.

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