Wednesday, April 20

Fluid Architecture : Readings

Week 7 Readings: Comments

1- Innovative techniques of generating form.
This reading talks about how to generate architecture using various digital systems. Some of
these systems are used by other industries other than architecture to produce animations.
Today, architects and designers make use of these systems like particle systems, metaballs,
inverse kinemetics, morphing and keyframing to produce their designs.

for example: Variations, a 2001 project by Ali Rahim in Islamabad, Pakistan uses the inverse
kinemetics to generate complex, but stable and closed forms.

Particle system is also used in the film industry, forexample to generate tornadoes or snows, dust etc.
In architecture the particle system is used for the geometry of the forms generate to react with the
external forces present on the site. These softwares enable designers to understand their design further.
2- Elegence in the Age of Digital Technique.
This reading talks about how elegence in architecture can be generated and appreciated. It is important to have
elegence in the design to improve the aesthetics of the buildings. The elegence in a building can be achieved
by precision, refinement, sophistication,  customising and detailing by using various digital technologies.

3- The economies of Elegence.
This reading is about the design of a residential tower in Dubai. The design of this building is generated with
the use of digital systems. The reading speaks of how the fire resistant systems like the fire exits and stairwells
work, how the glass fixtures in the external walls work, and how this twisting tower stays stable with the help
of compact low height floors of compression at the center. It also speaks about how this tower is going to
generate revenue, market and how its going to affect the economy of Dubai.

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