Monday, April 18

Fluid Architecture : Blender Tutorial 4

Experiment 16
For this experiment, Im using a different technique. I am using two obstacles, my folie and a plane. I rotated the plane.

Experiment 17
For experiment 17, I didnt change much, I just changed fluid to a cube to see whether it created an effect different from the sphere.

Experiment 18
In experiment 18 I rotated the folie, but I maintained everything else as it was in the previous assignment.

Experiment 19
This time i rotated the folie and also the plane. As a result there was no fluid motion on the folie.
Experiment 20
For experiment 20, I removed the plan and rotated my folie a bit more.

Experiment 21
In all the previous experiments, I have used the whole folie. But for this one I split the folie into half. I am going to use a cube as my fluid and see what happens.

Experiment 22
This experiment I am going to change the fluid to a cone, but using the same folie on the same position.

Experiment 23
For this experiment I am going to use the same come as my fluid but change the viscosity to oil.

Experiment 24
For this experiment I am going to rotate the the cone horizontally, but maintain the folie as how it is.

Experiment 25
In this experiment I am going to rotate the cone vertically and test it. The folie is maintained how it is.

Experiment 26
In this experiment I rotated the folie along the x axis in an angle. Then I changed the fluid to a cylinder.

Experiment 27
I maintained the folie in the same angle, but then moved the fluid a bit closer to the folie to obtain a different motion.

Experiment 28
I rotated the folie vertically in such a way that the lotus structure of the folie is at the top.

Experiment 29
I kept everything exactly the same way but changed the viscosity to honey.

Experiment 30
In the experiment 30, I rotated the folie totally upside down in an angle. Then I changed the fluid to an upside down cone.

Experiment 31
In the experiment 30, I didnt manage to obtain what I wanted. So I made the fluid a bit smaller in size but maintained the folie in the same position.

Experiment 32
In this experiment I am using the other lotus of the folie. I have experimented on the smaller lotus (experiments 21 to 31) now I am going to use the bigger lotus. I made a cube to the fluid and and the folie is sitting in its usual position.

Experiment 33
In experiment 33 I am going to replace the fluid with a cylinder and rotate it horizontally. The folie remains as how it is.

Experiment 34
For this experiment I rotated the folie and replaced the fluid with a sphere.

Experiment 35
I am still experimenting on rotating the folie. the fluid remains as it is.

Experiment 36
For this experiment, I am going to test with another viscosity(honey), but maintain everything else as how it is.

Experiment 37
In this experiment I changed the size of the fluid and maintained everything else.

Experiment 38
I have still not gained the result that I want with my folie. I want the fluid to flow into the curved structure of the folie and not spill away. So I am going to adjust the size of the fluid and test it.

Experiment 39
But the result was not that satisfactory. So I am going to adjust the size and test it a bit more.

Experiment 40
In experiment 40, I am going to try something new. I am going to put two fluids that is going to run into the folie.

Experiment 41
In this experiment I am going to use the whole folie, but divide the two sections of the folie and use it as the obstacle.

Experiment 42
In this experiment, I made the fluid a bit larger. But I maintianed everything else as how it is.

Experiment 43
In experiment 43, I rotated both the parts of the folies in an angle. I used the same fluid.

Experiment 44
In experiment 44, I moved the smaller part of the folie on top of the bigger part of the folie and adjusted the fluid.

Experiment 45
For this experiment, I moved the bigger folie to the top and the smaller one to the bottom

Experiment 46
In this experiment, I rotated the folies and changed the fluid to a sphere.

Experiment 47
For this experiment, I rotated the folies more and i put two fluid sources.

Experiment 48
For this experiment also I rotated the folies in different ways to test it against one fluid source.

Experiment 49
In this experiment, I rotated the folie and then brought the fluid very close to the folie.

Experiment 50
In the 50th experiment, I rotated the part of the folie on top a bit vertical and brought the fluid a bit closer.

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