Saturday, April 2

Fluid Architecture : Blender Tutorial 1

Last Thursdays class was an introduction to theme, Fluid Architecture.

Fluid Architecture: An exploration of the application of animation software fluid dynamics to the design of flood and wave responsive & resistant structures.
Theme Leader: Florian Heise

During the first lesson on Thursday, 31st March, we were briefly introduced to the basics of using blender. We were directed to follow a workshop by Heise and practice blender.

The first step is to ofcoase install the software, using the link
In the last class, we actually practiced a bit on the basics, so today I am going to practice a bit more, to get a good hold of this software.

So as to begin with the learning process, I am going to refer to the workshop and redo the tutorials that was done in class. 

So the first tutorial is about creating a person.

By using the extrude tool, I managed to design the right leg of the person by extruding the boxes. 

Now I am going to work on the rest of his body by using the same extrude tool.

After making the body, I added a monkey head on top of the person.

 After the whole body is completed, now I am going to smooth the surfaces of the body.

 Well this is my monkey man! It looks a bit distorted, but I guess it would be okay for the first time. More blender tryouts coming up!


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